Re: nfsbug, bugs

Martha Lanatte (
Mon, 6 Feb 1995 15:43:23 -0600 (CST)

> The best you can do is get a non-broken fsirand and rerun it on
> your system.  This will randomize the numbers nfs uses for file handles.
> After doing this any system currently accessing filesystems exported
> from your host will have to remount to get valid file handles.

By non-broken, do you mean one that does not use the same seed for each
randomizaton, or something complete different?

> How can you use the filehandle?  You could stick it in a variable
> and pass it off to nfs to request operations be done on the file
> associated with the handle.

Anyone care to elaborate?

Martha Lanatte
System Administrator               National Soil Tilth Laboratories